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Majestic Sea Turtles

Aug 2

1 min read




Introduction: Sea turtles are ancient mariners that have roamed the oceans for over 100 million years. Their long migrations and serene nature make them one of the most captivating marine creatures.

Physical Characteristics: There are several species of sea turtles, each with distinct features. Commonly known species include the loggerhead, green, and leatherback turtles.

Life Cycle: Sea turtles have a unique life cycle, starting as hatchlings on sandy beaches. After emerging from their nests, they make a perilous journey to the ocean, where they will spend most of their lives.

Diet: Depending on the species, sea turtles' diets can vary from seagrass and algae to jellyfish and crustaceans.

Conservation Efforts: Many sea turtle species are endangered due to threats like habitat loss, pollution, and illegal poaching. Conservation programs worldwide are working to protect their nesting sites and marine habitats.

Interesting Fact: Sea turtles can migrate thousands of miles between feeding grounds and nesting sites, guided by the Earth’s magnetic field.

Aug 2

1 min read



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